Vocabulaire Level 3 French test
Tests are an important tool to learn a new language because they help you practice and test yourself. Take vocabulaire Level 3 French test in order to see how is you French vocabulary level. Before taking this test, we suggest you to practice French Vocabulary Level 2.
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TEST : Level 3 Vocabulary
Tests for Level 3 – List
Vocabulary Tests
1. Telling the Time: Les heures
2. The Hobbies:
3. Transportation: Les transports
4. Car trips : Voyages en voiture
5. Air travel: Voyages en avion
6. 7 verbs for traveling by plane: 7 verbes pour voyager en avion
7. Utensils and cutlery: Ustensiles et couverts
8. Positive and negative emotions Test: Les émotions positives et négatives
Grammar Tests
1. Vocabulary : Vocabulaire
2. 7 verbs for traveling by plane: 7 verbes pour voyager en avion
4. Simple Future tense – Test : Verbes irréguliers
Reading Tests
1. A new carreer – Test: Une nouvelle carriere – Test
Practice more French Resources for Level 3 here:
Vocabulary Tests Level 3:
Grammar Tests Level 3:
Do you want to practice another Resource? Click on the image of your interest:
Vocabulaire – French Circles