The verb to have (avoir) and the family
Learn and practice how to conjugate The verb to have (avoir) and the family. First practice the verb to have ( J’ ai, tu as, il a, elle a, on a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont, elles ont) and then use it in small sentences about the family. Enjoy the video:
The verb to have (avoir) – Present
Avoir | English Pr. | To have |
J’ ai | Jay | I have |
Tu as | tew ah | You have |
il a | eel ah | He has |
Elle a | el ah | She has |
On a | on ah | One has |
Nous avons | noozavon | We have |
Vous avez | voozavay | You have |
ils ont | eelzon | They have |
Elles ont | elzon | They have |
French Circles – Le verbe avoir et la famille
French | English |
J’ ai un grand-père. | I have a grandfather. |
Tu as une nièce. | You have a niece. |
Il a des tantes. | He has aunts. |
Elle a un neveu. | She has a nephew. |
Nous avons des soeurs. | We have sisters. |
Vous avez un père. | You have a father. |
Ils ont une belle-mère. | They have a mother-in-law. |
Elles ont des grands-parents. | They have grandparents. |
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The verb to have (avoir) and the family