The verb to have (avoir) and the family

The verb to have (avoir) and the family

The verb to have (avoir) and the family

Learn and practice how to conjugate The verb to have (avoir) and the family. First practice the verb to have ( J’ ai, tu as, il a, elle a, on a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont, elles ont) and then use it in small sentences about the family. Enjoy the video:

 The verb to have (avoir) – Present

Avoir English Pr. To have
J’  ai Jay I have
Tu as tew ah You have
il a eel ah He has
Elle a el ah She has
On a on ah One has
Nous avons noozavon We have
Vous avez voozavay You have
ils ont eelzon They have
Elles ont elzon They have

French Circles – Le verbe avoir et la famille

French English
J’ ai un grand-père. I have a grandfather.
Tu as une nièce. You have a niece.
Il a des tantes. He has aunts.
Elle a un neveu. She has a nephew.
Nous avons des soeurs. We have sisters.
Vous avez un père. You have a father.
Ils ont une belle-mère. They have a mother-in-law.
Elles ont des grands-parents. They have grandparents.

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The verb to have (avoir) and the family

The verb to have (avoir) and the family