TEF Expression Orale

TEF Expression Orale

TEF Expression Orale

In this post we offer you TEF Expression Orale exercises, so you can prepare for the oral part of the test.

Here is a video with the summary of this part:

Summary of this Test:

Here is a summary about this part of the TEF test and also links with exercises you can use to prepare to obtain good points:

  • Goal: assess your ability to express yourself and speaking in French.
  • 2 sections: Section A (formal situation) and Section B (informal situation)
  • Time: 15 minutes (total duration of the test):  5 minutes for Section A and 10 minutes for section B ( 1 min. to prepare for each section) 
  • Points: Total 450. Minimum points needed to get CLB 7: 310 – 348

TEF Orale expression:

Section A

  • Goal: Section A is a formal situation to assess your ability to express yourself and speaking in French asking some questions to your interlocutor.
  • Time: 5 minutes  ( 10 min. to prepare for each section) 

Conseils pour se preparer pour le test:

Section B

  • Goal: Section B is an informal situation to assess your ability to express yourself and speaking in French trying to convince your interlocutor about a topic.
  • Time: 10 minutes  ( 10 min. to prepare for each section) 

Conseils pour se preparer pour le test:

Click here for another part of the TEF:

Practice other sections of the Oral Expression part here: (Expression Orale)

How long does it take you to prepare and to pass the test?

It depends from where you are starting and how many hours you are planning to study per week and also what do you want to achieve. (CLB 5, CLB 7)

Here some escenarios for CLB 5:

Escenario A:
If you are starting from 0 and you are planning to study 10-12 hrs a week you will need about 8 to 10 months.

Escenario B:
You are also starting from scratch but you can  study more time  15-20 hrs a week, It will take less time .That is around 5 to 7 months.

Escenario C:
If you have some knowledge of French ( let’s say DELF A1 level or NCLC level 3) You will need between 3 to 5 months to Achieve CLB 5. ( If you study 15-20 hrs a week)

Learn more about this test from Le français des affaires:

You can also prepare for DELF and TCF here:

Delf preparation - French Circles TFC Preparation - French Circles

Do you want to practice another Resource? Click on the image of your interest:

TEF Expression Orale

TEF Canada