TEF Expression Écrite

TEF Expression Écrite

TEF Expression Écrite

In this post we offer you TEF Expression Écrite exercises, so you can prepare for the written part of the test.


Written expression List

1. Time management for TEF written expression : Gestion du temps pour l’expression écrite du TEF

1. TEF Expression Écrite Section A

2. TEF Expression Écrite Section B


Here is a video with the summary of this part:

Summary of this Test:

Here is a summary about this part of the TEF test and also links with exercises you can use to prepare to obtain good points:

  • 2 sections
  • 1 hour 
  • Goal: assess your ability to express yourself in written French.

More written expression tests here:

Practice other sections of the written expression part here: (expression écrite)

Click here for another part of the TEF:

Comparative Table of Writing Skills: A2, B1, and B2 Levels

Criteria A2 B1 B2
Text structure Short, simple sentences, often juxtaposed Longer sentences with some linking of ideas Well-organized text with paragraphs and varied connectors
Vocabulary Simple, everyday vocabulary Broader vocabulary related to themes More precise, sometimes formal or technical vocabulary
Tenses used Present tense, passé composé Present, passé composé, imparfait, some subjunctive or conditional Mastery of several tenses (subjunctive, conditional, plus-que-parfait)
Sentence complexity Mostly simple sentences Introduction of complex sentences (subordinate clauses) Frequent use of complex sentences with correct subordinate clauses
Coherence and logic Basic sequencing, sometimes repetitive Better coherence with simple connectors (but, because, so) Strong coherence with varied connectors (however, while, furthermore)
Grammar mistakes Frequent but do not prevent understanding Fewer mistakes but still noticeable (agreements, prepositions) Rare mistakes, fluent and natural writing
Tone Often neutral or very direct Some effort to organize and rephrase ideas Tone adapted to the context (formal, informal, or more nuanced)


Learn more about this test from Le français des affaires:

You can also prepare for DELF and TCF here:

Delf preparation - French Circles TFC Preparation - French Circles

Do you want to practice another Resource? Click on the image of your interest:

TEF Expression Écrite

TEF Canada