Sous les aurores boréales Test
Tests are important to learn a new language because they help you to practice and test yourself. Before taking “Sous les aurores boréales Test” we suggest you to review “Under the Northern Lights – French Reading”.
This test, Under the Northern Lights, was made in order to evaluate your french reading Comprehension skills. Once you have completed the test please click on the submit button. Then just scroll up and you can check your mark and answers right away.
Let’s start “Under the Northern Lights” – Test!
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Reading test level 5 – List
1. International day of happiness: Journée internationale du bonheur (Test)
2. Boundin: Saute mouton (Test)
3. Internet outage: Une panne d’internet (Test)
4. The day without a laptop: La journée sans portable (Test)
5. The video game: Le jeu vidéo (Test)
6. Online shopping: Les achats en ligne (Test)
7. Veganism: Le véganisme (Test)
8. At the bank: À la banque (Test)
9. Winter in Quebec: L’hiver au Québec (Test)
10. Three things I would like to accomplish in my life: Trois choses que j’aimerais accomplir dans ma vie
11. An autumn story: Une histoire d’automne (Test)
12. Under the northern lights : Sous les aurores boréales (Test)
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Under the Northern Lights – French Circles