Sentences IR verbs conditionnel present

Sentences IR verbs conditionnel present

Sentences IR verbs conditionnel present

Practice and learn French with these Sentences IR verbs conditionnel present. Review them and you will enhance and expand your French Vocabulary skills and grammar as well. Enjoy!

The present conditional describes a situation now that isn’t true or isn’t happening. Teachers also call this the present unreal or present contrary-to-fact. In this post practice these Sentences IR verbs conditionnel présent. Review them and you will enhance and expand your French Vocabulary skills and grammar as well. Enjoy!


Grammar : Sentences IR verbs conditionnel present

French English
1.- Si j’avais plus de temps, je finirais de lire ce livre. 1.- If I had more time, I’d finish reading this book.
2.- Si tu étudiais davantage, tu réussirais tes examens plus facilement. 2.- If you studied more, you’d pass your exams more easily.
3.- S’il avait de l’argent, il partirait en voyage autour du monde. 3.- If he had money, he’d take a trip around the world.
4.- Elle choisirait cette robe si elle était disponible dans sa taille. 4.- She would choose this dress if it were available in her size.
5.- Nous investirions dans cette entreprise si nous avions plus d’informations. 5.- We would invest in this company if we had more information.
6.- Si vous sortiez ce soir, vous danseriez toute la nuit. 6.- If you went out tonight, you’d dance all night.
7.- Ils réagiraient différemment si la situation était autre. 7.- They would react differently if the situation were different.
8.- Si elles avaient plus de compétences, elles réussiraient ce projet. 8.- If they had more skills, they would succeed in this project.

Sentences with IR verbs –  Flashcards

You can also practice  these sentences with IR verbs conditionnel present using the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.

Click to Learn ‘ER’ and ‘RE’ Verbs in the Conditional tense here:

Sentences ER verbs conditionnel present

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Sentences IR verbs conditionnel present