Sara’h cover French Version Ed Sheeran – Last Christmas – Wham!

Sara’h cover French Version Ed Sheeran – Last Christmas – Wham!

Sara’h cover French Version Ed Sheeran – Last Christmas – Wham!

The song “Sara’h cover French Version Ed Sheeran – Last Christmas – Wham!!” will help you to enhance your French skills. Sing this song as many times as you like and you will see how much you are going to improve.
Enjoy the video and learn a lot of French! Good Luck!

Sara’h is a singer of Lebanese descent as she has declared during an interview on Goom Radio. She grew up in the French city of Avignon with her Lebanese father and a French mother and has a brother. Her career jump started after making a cover of “Celui” by Colonel Reyel. Her video got more than 6 million views on YouTube. She has released her first single “Pour Toi” in April 2011. Her follow-up single is “À la faveur de l’automne”, a cover of a song by Tété.

Lyrics : Last Christmas

French English
À noël je t’ai donné mon cœur At Christmas I gave you my heart
Mais des le jours d’après But the next day
Tu l’as rejeté You rejected him
Cette fois je le donnerai This time i will give it
À quelqu’un qui veut mon bonheur To someone who wants my happiness
J’essaie mais je ne peux pas I try but I can’t
Garder mes distances Keep my distance
Tout me ramène à toi Everything brings me back to you
Dis moi bébé, est-ce que tu me reconnais? Tell me baby, do you recognize me?
Un an déjà ça ne me surprendrait pas A year already it would not surprise me
Joyeux noel, je t’ai préparé, envoyé Merry Christmas, I prepared you, sent you
Un cadeau, un “je t’aime” A gift, an “I love you”
Qui t’était destiné Who was meant for you
Je sais bien que j’ai vraiment eu tort I know I was really wrong
Mais si tu reviens But if you come back
Je pourrais bien y croire encore I could still believe it
Une salle bondée, des amis sont là A crowded room, friends are there
Je me cache de toi et ton cœur si froid I hide from you and your heart so cold
J’ai vraiment pensé être importante toi I really thought you were important
Un visage d’amoureux A loving face
Avec un cœur enflammé With a flaming heart
Qui ment, yeux dans les yeux Who lies, eye to eye
Avec tellement de secrets With so many secrets
Je ne veux plus des erreurs du passé I no longer want mistakes from the past
Maintenant j’ai trouvé l’amour Now i found love
Je ne me laisserai plus piéger I will no longer be trapped
À noël At Christmas
Je t’ai donné mon cœur I gave you my heart
Mais des le jours d’après But the next day
Tu l’as rejeté You rejected him
Cette fois je le donnerai This time i will give it
À quelqu’un qui veut mon bonheur To someone who wants my happiness

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