Salomé Leclerc – Tourne encore

Salomé Leclerc - Tourne encore

Salomé Leclerc – Tourne encore

The song “Salomé Leclerc – Tourne encore” will help you to improve your French. Sing this song whenever you want: Learn and Practice this beautiful song.

Salomé Leclerc born “Salomé Roux-Leclerc” on April 27, 1986 is a Quebec singer-songwriter who is also recognized in France.

Originally from Sainte-Françoise-de-Lotbinière, she took her first steps in music at the age of ten when she became the drummer for the group of her two older brothers, leading her a few years later to the Secondary en spectacle competition.

Lyrics : Tourne encore

French English
J’aurai les yeux des marées bleues I will have the eyes of blue tides
et le visage du temps pluvieux and the face of rainy weather
J’aurai le coeur sur un nuage I will have my heart on a cloud
passerai ma vie en décalage spend my life out of sync
J’aurai la tête sur l’oreiller I will have my head on the pillow
à peine poser les plumes au pieds barely put the feathers on my feet
J’abandonnerai mon âme d’avant I will give up my soul from before
et chercherai celle au présent and seek the one in the present
Il faudra regarder plus loin We will have to look beyond
qu’un avenir prisonnier en vain a future prisoner in vain
marqué son nom au bas des pages marked his name at the bottom of the pages
laissé des traces au passage left traces in the process
mais si le ciel sur nous s’écroule but if the sky crumbles over us
qu’on prenne l’image ou qu’on déboule whether we take the image or we tumble
J’arriverai toujours à tenir tête I will always be able to stand up
même si j’en ai l’air bête even if I look silly
Tourne encore Spin again
Loin de tout ça, de tout ça Away from all that, from all that
Si on reste toi et moi If we stay together
Oui je perds la tête, regarde-moi plonger Yes I lose my head, watch me dive
Je ne me noierai pas I will not drown
Je reste à la surface I stay on the surface
Ils ne peuvent plus nous toucher They can not touch us anymore
Si on reste toi et moi If we stay together

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