RE verbs future simple dictation

RE verbs future simple dictation

RE verbs imparfait Futur simple

Practice a French dictation in future tense (Futur tense) with the sentences in this post “RE verbs future simple dictation”.
Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with IR verbs and you will improve and expand your French vocabulary and grammar skills as well. Enjoy!


Dictation : Sentences with ER French verbs

French English
1. J’apprendrai à jouer de la guitare. 1. I’ll learn to play the guitar.
2. Tu entendras le chant des oiseaux. 2. You’ll hear the birds sing.
3. Il vendra ses vieux meubles. 3. He’ll sell his old furniture.
4. Elle répondra à ton message plus tard. 4. She’ll answer your message later.
5. Nous comprendrons enfin le problème. 5. We’ll finally understand the problem.
6. Vous promettrez de ne plus jamais mentir. 6. You’ll promise never to lie again.
7. Ils prendront des photos souvenirs. 7. They’ll take souvenir photos.
8. Elles boiront un verre de vin ce soir. 8. They’ll have a glass of wine tonight.
9. Je défendrai mes idées avec conviction. 9. I’ll defend my ideas with conviction.
10. Il attendra patiemment son tour. 10. He’ll wait patiently for his turn.

More French dictation? Practice here:

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  1. Dictations Level 1 
  2. Dictations Level 2
  3. Dictations Level 3
  4. Dictations Level 4
  5. Dictations Level 5

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RE verbs