Petite conversation: Quel âge avez-vous?
Practice French conversations with French Circles. In this post, you are going to practice he conversation: Quel âge avez-vous? – How old are you? in the informal or familiar way. Please feel free to practice the other ways to ask the same questions from the list.
1) Conversation Formelle:
a) This is formal conversation and you’d use it for somebody who is a stranger or somebody older than yourself.
French | English |
M: Bonjour Monsieur. Quel âge avez-vous? | Good morning Mr. How old are you? |
R: J’ai quarante ans, et vous Madame? | I’m forty years old, and you? |
M: J’ai trente cinq. | I am thirty five. |
R: Au revoir Madame. | Good bye Ms. |
M: Au revoir Monsieur et bonne journée. | Good bye Sir and have a good day. |
2) Conversation Informelle:
a) This is informal and you’d use it for somebody who is your age or younger.
French | English |
B: Salut Angeline, j’ai une petite question pour toi… | Hello Angeline, I have a quick question for you… |
A: Dis-moi Bratt, de quoi s’agit t-il? | Tell me, Bratt, what is it… |
B: Eh bon. Quel âge as-tu? | Well… How old are you? |
A: J’ai trente deux ans, Et toi? | I’m thirty-two, and you? |
B: J’ai trente et un… | I’m thirty-0ne. |
A: Humm | humm |
French Beginners Level 1 – List
1. What’s your name?: Tu t’appelles comment? (informal) / Comment vous appelez vous? (formal)
2. How are you? Comment vas-tu? (informal) / Comment allez-vous? (formal)
3. Where do you live? Où habites-tu? (informal) / Où habitez-vous? (formal)
4. Do you have brothers ans sisters? Est-ce que tu as des frères et soeurs?
5. What is your profession?: Quelle est votre profession?
6. How old are you? Quel âge as-tu? (informal) / Quel âge avez-vous? (formal)
7. When is your birthday? – Quand est ton anniversaire?
8. What is your phone number? – Quel est votre numéro de téléphone?
9. What is your (p.) nationality? – Quelle est votre nationalité?
10. Where are you going? – Where do you come from?: – Où vas tu? – D’où viens tu?
11. What day is it? – Quel jour sommes nous? Quel jour est-il?
12. What is your favorite season? – Quelle est ta saison préférée?
13. How is the weather? – Quel temps fait – il?
14. Let me introduce you… – Je vous présente
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