Quand j’étais enfant Test

Quand j’étais enfant Test

Quand j’étais enfant Test

Tests are important to learn a new language because they help you to practice and test yourself. Before taking “Quand j’étais enfant Test” we suggest you to review When I was a child – French Reading.

This test, when I was a child, was made in order to evaluate your french reading Comprehension skills. Once you have completed the test please click on the submit button. Then just scroll up and you can check your mark and answers right away.

Let’s start When I was a child – Test!

Click in the image if you need to learn this French reading

Quand j’étais enfant - Readings -

Reading test level 2 – List

1. Describe your day: Décrivez votre journée – Test
2. The house: La maison – Test
3. Dad knows everything: Papa sait tout – Test
4. When I was a kid: Quand j’étais enfant – Test
5. Bleubeard Part 1: Barbe bleue – Test  
6. Bleubeard Part 2: Barbe bleue – Test
7. Bleubeard Part 3: Barbe bleue – Test
8. The five senses: Les cinq sens – Test
9. My city and my neighborhood: Ma ville et mon quartier – Test
10. Valentine’s Day: Saint-Valentin – Test
11. St. Patrick’s Day: Saint Patrick – Test
12. Canada Day: La Fête du Canada – Test
13. France Day: La Fête de la France – Test
14. Thanksgiving: Action de grâce – Test
15. My name is Chef Pepin: Je m’appelle Chef Pepin – Test
16. Total solar eclipse:  Éclipse solaire totale – Test

Kids stories Level 2

1. The careful buffalo: Le Buffle Prudent – Test

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Quand j’étais enfant Test

Quand j’étais enfant Test

Tests are important to learn a new language because they help you to practice and test yourself. Before taking “Quand j’étais enfant Test” we suggest you to review When I was a child – French Reading.

This test, when I was a child, was made in order to evaluate your french reading Comprehension skills. Once you have completed the test please click on the submit button. Then just scroll up and you can check your mark and answers right away.

Let’s start When I was a child – Test!

Click in the image if you need to learn this French reading

Quand j’étais enfant - Readings -

Reading test level 2 – List

1. Describe your day: Décrivez votre journée – Test
2. The house: La maison – Test
3. Dad knows everything: Papa sait tout – Test
4. When I was a kid: Quand j’étais enfant – Test
5. Bleubeard Part 1: Barbe bleue – Test  
6. Bleubeard Part 2: Barbe bleue – Test
7. Bleubeard Part 3: Barbe bleue – Test
8. The five senses: Les cinq sens – Test
9. My city and my neighborhood: Ma ville et mon quartier – Test
10. Valentine’s Day: Saint-Valentin – Test
11. St. Patrick’s Day: Saint Patrick – Test
12. Canada Day: La Fête du Canada – Test
13. France Day: La Fête de la France – Test
14. Thanksgiving: Action de grâce – Test
15. My name is Chef Pepin: Je m’appelle Chef Pepin – Test
16. Total solar eclipse:  Éclipse solaire totale – Test

Kids stories Level 2

1. The careful buffalo: Le Buffle Prudent – Test

Do you want to practice more French reading tests at Level 2?

Click on the image of your interest:

Do you want to practice more French Resources for Level 2? Click on the resource of your interest:

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Quand j’étais enfant Test