Printemps qui vient-Poésie d’ Elodie Santos

Printemps qui vient-Poésie d' Elodie Santos

Printemps qui vient-Poésie d’ Elodie Santos

In this post you will find a poem about Spring by the author Elodie Santos: “Printemps qui vient-Poésie d’ Elodie Santos”. In this poem you will find French words that will help you develop your vocabulary about these spectacular season of the year. Read French poetry on topics you like. You will greatly improve your reading comprehension in French.  Enjoy these French poems.

Elodie Santos is a contemporary French poet born in 1985. She has written several poetry collections and has been published in various literary magazines.


French poetry:

French English
Printemps qui vient fleurir le temps
arrive un jour sans qu’on le voit venir
Printemps qui vient comme le vent
souffler sur l’hiver et le faire partir
Spring that comes to bloom the time
comes one day without us seeing it coming
Spring comes like the wind
to blow on the winter and make it go away
Printemps qui vient renaître à nouveau
nous caresser la peau et nous faire sourire
Printemps qui vient avec la Douceur
accueillir le Soleil qu’on avait oublié
Spring that comes to be reborn again
to caress our skin and make us smile
Spring that comes with the Sweetness
to welcome the Sun that we had forgotten
Printemps qui vient nous réchauffer
arroser les jardins, faire jaillir les fleurs
Printemps qui vient nous dire Je t’aime
Afin qu’on puisse tout recommencer
Spring comes to warm us up
water the gardens, make the flowers bloom
Spring comes to tell us I love you
So that we can start all over again

Poetry – List 

1. Automne – Poésie d’ Lucie Delarue Mardrus (dictée)

2. Printemps qui vient – Poésie d’ Elodie Santos (dictée)

3. Petite pluie d’été – Poésie d’ Maurice Carême (dictée)

4. L’hiver – Poésie de Théophile Gautier  (dictée)

Do you want to learn more French poetry? Click on the image of your interest:

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Printemps qui vient-Poésie d' Elodie Santos

Poésie de Elodie Santos

Additionally, consider writing your own short poems or descriptive passages inspired by the themes of the poem you read. This creative practice can help reinforce your learning and give you a personal connection to the language. Sharing your poems with others or discussing them in a French study group can provide valuable feedback and further enrich your understanding of French literary traditions. By immersing yourself in French poetry, you not only improve your language skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural and artistic aspects of the language. Engaging with poetry is a wonderful way to deepen your understanding of the French language, as it exposes you to rich vocabulary, expressive language, and various literary devices. Maurice Carême’s poems, with their vivid imagery and musical quality, offer a unique opportunity to experience the beauty of French literature. As you read, take note of recurring themes, emotional expressions, and stylistic elements. Reflecting on the meaning and emotions conveyed in the poem can also enhance your interpretative skills.