Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives show to whom a thing or person belongs; they agree in gender and number with the noun they modify . But in the plural form, there is no difference between masculine and feminine.
Short video : part 1
French | English |
Mon père Ton chat Son cahier |
My father Your cat His or her notebook |
Ma mère Ta chatte Sa maison |
my mother Your cat His or her house |
Mess parents Tes amis Ses amies |
My parents Your friends Their friends |
Short video : part 2
French | English |
Notre père votre chat Leur ami |
Our father Your cat Their friend |
Notre mère Votre chatte Leur maison |
Our mother Your cat Their house |
Nos parents Vos livres Leurs amies |
Our parents Your books Their friends |
1.- Singular Possessive Adjectives:
- Masculine Singular:
- Mon (my) – used before a masculine singular noun
- Ton (your – informal singular) – used before a masculine singular noun
- Son (his/her/its) – used before a masculine singular noun
- Feminine Singular:
- Ma (my) – used before a feminine singular noun
- Ta (your – informal singular) – used before a feminine singular noun
- Sa (his/her/its) – used before a feminine singular noun
- Masculine Singular:
2.- Plural Possessive Adjectives:
- Masculine and Feminine Plural:
- Notre (our) – used before both masculine and feminine plural nouns
- Votre (your – formal or plural) – used before both masculine and feminine plural nouns
- Leur (their) – used before both masculine and feminine plural nouns
- Masculine and Feminine Plural:
Practice French tests about Possessive adjectives. Click on the button of your interest:
Grammar for level 1 – List
1. The alphabet: L’alphabet
2. French Silent Letters: Lettres muettes françaises
3. French Letter Combinations: Combinaisons de lettres (Practice)
4. Articles: Articles
5. Masculine or feminine nouns: Noms masculins ou féminins
6. The interrogative form: la forme interrogative
a) Question words : Les mots interrogatifs
7. Prepositions(go, come – present)(Practice)
a) The preposition “à”
b) The preposition “de”
8. French expressions:
a) Two words
b) Three words
9. Accents: Accents
10. Liaison: Liaison
11. Possessive adjectives: Adjectifs possessifs (Practice)
12. The negative form: La forme négative
a) Negative words in French: Les mots négatifs en français
13. C’est – Il est – elle est: It is – He is – she is
14. Quiz Game Level 1: Quiz
Basic Conjugation for L1
1. Personal Pronouns: Personal Pronouns
a) Subject pronouns: Pronoms sujets
b) You or you: Tu or vous
c) (Practice)
2. Infinitive and conjugated verbs
3. The verb to be: Le verbe être
4. The verb to have: Le verbe avoir
5. The verb to go: Le verbe aller
6. The verb to do: Le verbe faire
7. To be, To have, To go, To do
8. ER Verbs: (Phonetic pronunciation)
9. IR Verbs: (Phonetic pronunciation)
10. RE Verbs: (Phonetic pronunciation)
11. Sentences with ER verbs
12. Sentences with IR verbs
13. Sentences with RE verbs
14. Most Common French Verbs
15. REGULAR Verbs:
a) (Verbes)
b) (Sentences)
c) (Practice)
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