Petite conversation-Allons au cinéma
Petite conversation-Allons au cinéma: Do you enjoy going to the movies? How to ask you friend to go for a movie? Here you have a short dialogue between two people that will help you to formulate your questions and answer them correctly to find out which kind of film is best to choose.
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Conversation : Do you enjoy going to the movies?
French | English |
Naripdeep: Salut Fatima, c’est Naripdeep. | Naripdeep: Hello Fatima. |
Fatima: Salut, Naripdeep. Ça va ? | Fatima: Hello Naripdeep. How are you? |
Naripdeep: Oui, ça va bien. Tu es libre ce soir pour aller au cinéma ? | Naripdeep: Yes, I’m fine. Are you free tonight to go to the movies? |
Fatima: Désolée, je ne peux pas aujourd’hui, je dois finir un projet pour mon travail. | Fatima: Sorry, I can’t today, I have to finish a project for my work. |
Naripdeep: Est-ce que tu veux y aller demain soir? | Naripdeep: Do you want to go tomorrow night? |
Fatima: Ah oui, bien sûr, ça marche aussi. | Fatima: Oh yes, of course, that works too. |
Naripdeep: Est-ce que tu préfères voir un film d’action ou de comédie?
romance/ aventure/ dessin anime / drame/ documentaire /horreur/ science-fiction /musical/ historique ? |
Naripdeep: Would you rather see an action or comedy film?
/romance/adventure/anime/drama/documentary/horror/science fiction/musical/historical? |
Fatima :Moi, je préfère l’action. | Fatima: I prefer action. |
Naripdeep: Qui est ton acteur ou actrice préférée ? | Naripdeep: Who is your favorite actor or actress? |
Fatima: Je ne suis pas sûre, je pense que Cameron Diaz. Et le tien ou la tienne? | Fatima: I’m not sure, I think Cameron Diaz. What about yours? |
Naripdeep: J’aime bien les films de Ryan Gosling. Il est très beau! | Naripdeep: I like Ryan Gosling’s movies. He is very handsome! |
Fatima: Très bien, nous irons à la séance de 19h. | Fatima: Alright, we’ll go to the 7pm session. |
Naripdeep: Parfait, à demain soir ! | Naripdeep: Great, see you tomorrow night! |
Fatima: Au revoir. | Fatima: Bye. |
French cinéma vocabulary
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