Passé Composé with IR verbs Test

Passé Composé with IR verbs Test

Tests are important to learn a new language because they help you to practice and test yourself. Before taking “Passé Composé with IR verbs Test” we suggest you to practice the conjugation in past tense (passé composé) of the following: verbs to be, to have, to listen, to eat, to talk and to like.

This test, passé composé with IR verbs, was made in order to evaluate your French conjugation skills in passé composé at the end of the first module of the second Level (Medium beginners). Once you have completed the test please click on the submit button. Then just scroll up and you can check your mark and answers right away. You can’t re-do this test since this will be you final mark.


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Passé Composé with ir verbs – video channel

After you’ve finished the test, don’t forget to click on the submit button to receive your score. Once submitted, simply scroll back up to view your mark and see the correct answers immediately. Please note that this test can only be taken once, as it will serve as your final grade for this assessment. Make sure to double-check your answers before submitting to ensure the best possible score. Good luck!