Olivier l’écrivain test
Olivier l’écrivain test: Tests are important for learning a new language because they help you practice and test yourself. Before taking the Olivier l’écrivain test, we suggest you review “Olivier l’écrivain“. This test was designed to evaluate your French reading comprehension skills. Once you have completed the test, please click the submit button. Then, just scroll up, and you can check your score and answers right away.
Let’s start Olivier the writer – test!
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Reading test level 1 – List
1. Ma famille: Ma famille – Test
2. Coco Chanel: Coco Chanel – Test
3. Disney Characters: Les personnages de Disney – Test
4. French Cheese: Les Fromages francais – Test
5. Lolo et Lili: Lolo et Lili – Test
6. Tahiti: Tahiti – Test
7. My friend karol: Mon amie Karol – Test
8. My friend Ananya: Mon amie Ananya – Test
9. My friend Victoire: Mon amie Victoire – Test
10. Olivier the writer: Olivier l’écrivain – Test
11. The mysterious message: Le message mystérieux – Test
12. My friend Melisha: Mon amie Melisha – Test
Kids stories Level 1
1. In the farm: A la ferme – Test
2. Tembo the baby elephant: Tembo le bébé éléphant – Test
3. Doudou le bébé dauphin: Soft toy the baby dolphin – Test
4. Gisèle le bébé girafe: Gisele the baby giraffe – Test
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Olivier the writer test – French Circles