Months of the year (words)

Months of the year (words)

Months of the year (words)

In this post, Months of the year (words), engage in learning French months of the year through dictation exercises. This practice focuses on improving your listening and writing skills by dictating French phrases using the months of the year such as “Décembre”, “Octobre” and others. Perfect for beginners learners, it aids in pronunciation, spelling, and comprehension. Enjoy!


Short video : Dictation Months of the year


Dictation : Mois de l’année

French English
Janvier January
Mars March
Avril April
Juillet July
Août August
Octobre October
Novembre November
Décembre December

Practice Months of the year – Flashcards

Practice moths of the year using vocabulary here:


Les Mois The months - MONTHS

More French dictation words? Practice here:

More French dictation sentences? Practice here:

Explore More French Dictation Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Dictations Level 1 
  2. Dictations Level 2
  3. Dictations Level 3
  4. Dictations Level 4
  5. Dictations Level 5

French Resources for Level 1:

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Months of the year (words)

Mois de l’année

This practice focuses on honing your listening and writing skills by dictating French phrases using the days of the week such as “dimanche”, “lundi”, and others. Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners, it aids in pronunciation, spelling, and comprehension. Enjoy!. Whether you are just starting your language journey or looking to improve your existing skills, this resource will support you every step of the way. Dive in, practice regularly, and watch your proficiency grow. Happy learning!.This resource is designed to make learning French both accessible and enjoyable, providing a strong foundation in the essential aspects of the language. By focusing on these key areas, you will develop the skills needed to communicate more effectively and confidently