
L’espace - The space - Vocabulary


In this post “L’espace” you will learn about most common French terms about The space. You can practice phrases related to this vocabulary in our dictation section and you will be able to pronounce them properly. Here are some words you will learn: le météore, l’orbite, l’oxygène, la pesanteur , le satellite, le soleil , le système solaire, la voie lactée, etc. Practice your intermediate French vocabulary here!


Vocabulary : The space

Nro French English
1 l’air The air
2 l’astre (m.) The celestial body
3 l’atmosphère (f.) The atmosphere
4 le ciel  The sky
5 la comète  The comet
6 la constellation  The constellation
7 l’espace (m.) The space
8 l’étoile filante (f.) The shooting star
9 la galaxie  The galaxy
10 la (pleine) lune The (full) moon
11 le météore  The meteor
12 l’orbite (f.)  The orbit
13 l’oxygène (f.)  The oxygen
14 la pesanteur  The gravity
15 le satellite The satellite
16 le soleil  The sun
17 le système solaire  The solar system
18 la voie lactée  The Milky Way

The space – Flashcards

Start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.

French Vocabulary Level 5 – List

1. Computer vocabulary: Le vocabulaire de l’informatique 
2. 15 computer related verbs: 15 verbes liés à l’informatique 
3. The space: L’espace 
4. The land: La terre 
5. The water: L’eau 
6. Professional life : La vie professionnelle 

More French vocabulary? Practice here:

Explore More French Vocabulary Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. French Vocabulary Level 1
  2. French Vocabulary Level 2
  3. French Vocabulary Level 3
  4. French Vocabulary Level 4
  5. French Vocabulary Level 5

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L’espace - The space - Vocabulary
