Les Valses De Vienne

Les Valses De Vienne - Francois Feldman

Francois Feldman Les Valses De Vienne

“Les Valses De Vienne – Francois Feldman ” is a 1989 song originally recorded by the French artist François Feldman for his 1989 album, Une Présenceand was the second singles release from that album in November of the same year. It achieved great success in France, topping the chart for six nonconsecutive weeks, and remains Feldman’s signature song and a classic of 1980s French music.

The song was also included on the singer’s best of, Two Feldman.

The music video features Feldman with a young girl who portrayed his daughter and who tries to comfort her father because he is separated from her mother. The cover on the CD maxi and vinyls is a screenshot from the video.

Les Valses De Vienne – French songs

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Lyrics: Les Valses De Vienne

French English
Du pont des supplices
Tombent les actrices
Et dans leurs yeux chromés
Le destin s’est brouillé
Au Café de Flore
La faune et la flore
On allume le monde
Dans une fumée blonde
Refrain :
Maintenant que deviennent
Que deviennent les valses de Vienne ?
Dis-moi qu’est-ce que t’as fait
Pendant ces années ?
Si les mots sont les mêmes
Dis-moi si tu m’aimes…
Maintenant que deviennent
Que deviennent les valses de Vienne ?
Et les volets qui grincent
D’un château de province ?
Aujourd’hui quand tu danses
Dis, à quoi tu penses ?
Dans la Rome antique
Errent les romantiques
Les amours infidèles
S’écrivent sur logiciels
Du fond de la nuit
Remontent l’ennui
Et nos chagrins de mômes
Dans les pages du Grand Meaulnes
From the bridge of tortures
Fall the actresses
And in their chrome eyes
Fate has blurred
At the Café de Flore
The fauna and the flora
We turn on the world
In a blond smokeChorus:
Now that become
What happens to the waltzes of Vienna?
Tell me what did you do
During these years ?
If the words are the same
Tell me if you love me …
Now that become
What happens to the waltzes of Vienna?
And the squeaky shutters
From a provincial castle?
Today when you dance
Say, what are you thinking?In ancient Rome
Wander the romantics
Unfaithful loves
Write on softwareFrom the depths of the night
Go back to boredom
And our heartbreaks
In the pages of Grand Meaulnes

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Les Valses De Vienne - Francois Feldman

Francois Feldman