Les qualités d’un sportif Test

Les qualités d’un sportif Test

Les qualités d’un sportif Test

Tests are important to learn a new language because they help you to practice and test yourself. Before taking “Les qualités d’un sportif Test” we suggest you to review The qualities of an athlete – French Reading.

This test, The qualities of an athlete, was made in order to evaluate your french reading Comprehension skills. Once you have completed the test please click on the submit button. Then just scroll up and you can check your mark and answers right away.

Let’s start the qualities of an athlete – Test!

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Les qualités d'un sportif

Reading test level 6 – List

1. 24 character strengths: 24 forces de caractère – Test
3. Covid-19 pandemic: pandémie de covid-19 – Test
4. Claire the waitress: Claire la serveuse – Test
5. Different types of tourism: Différents types de tourisme – Test
6. Speed: La vitesse – Test
7. Ordinary day: Jour ordinaire – Test
8. Whispers of the Hidden Library : Murmures de la bibliothèque cachée – Test

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Les qualités d’un sportif Test

The qualities of an athlete – French Circles