Les heures dictation

Les heures dictation

Les heures dictation

In this post, Les heures dictation, engage in learning words about the hours through this short dictation. This practice focuses on improving your listening and writing skills by dictating French words using the hours such as “il est deux heures”, “il est une heure” and others. Perfect for beginners learners, it aids in pronunciation, spelling, and comprehension. Enjoy!

Short Video

 French dictation about the hours

Nro French English
1 il est deux heures it’s two o’clock
2 il est une heure it’s one o’clock
3 il est treize heures it is thirteen o’clock
4 il est cinq heures it is five o’clock
5 il est dix heures it is ten o’clock
6 il est onze heures it is eleven o’clock
7 il est quinze heures it is fifteen o’clock

Click in the image if you need to learn this French vocabulary

Dictation Level 3 – List

Vocabulary dictation Level 3

1. The hours (Words
2. The Hobbies (Words
3. Transportation (Words
4. Car trips (Words
5. Air travel (Words
6. Numbers level 3 (Words
7. Utensils and cutlery (Words
8. Positive and negative emotions (Words




Grammar dictation Level 3

1. French Expressions :
          a) Expressions with to go: Expressions françaises avec Aller
          b) Expressions with to do: Expressions françaises avec Faire
2. Recognize the verb: Reconnaître le verbe
3. The simple future:
                      a) Le futur simple
                      b) ER verbs future simple
                      c) IR verbs future simple
                      d) RE verbs future simple




Reading dictation Level 3

1. Present:
        a) At the restaurant : Au restaurant
        b) Famous People (Part 1): Célébrités (partie 1)
        c) Famous People (Part 2): Célébrités (partie 2)
        d) My decisions : Mes décisions
        e) Un séjour romantique:  A romantic stay
2. Passé composé:
         a) At the pool : À la piscine
         b) Bleubeard : Barbe Bleue
3. Imparfait:
         a) The house of my childhood :La maison de mon enfance
4. Future:
          a) A new career : Une nouvelle carrière
          b) Their wedding plans : Leurs projets de mariage
5. This weekend: Ce weekend

More French dictation words? Practice here:

More French dictation sentences? Practice here:

Explore More French Dictation Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Dictations Level 1 
  2. Dictations Level 2
  3. Dictations Level 3
  4. Dictations Level 4
  5. Dictations Level 5

French Resources for Level 3:

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Les heures dictation

The hours