Les étapes de la vie – The stages of life
In this post you are going to learn vocabulary about Les étapes de la vie – The stages of life. Every person’s life evolves in unique but similar stages and is marked by notable moments. French people have a realistic attitude toward life, enjoying happy times (les bons moments) as well as being stoic in bad times (les mauvais moments). So, here you have the stages of life vocabulary that can help you to increase your French vocabulary.
Short video
Dictation : The stages of life
French | English |
l’adolescence (f.) | Adolescence |
l’âge de raison (m.) | grown-up age |
l’âge mûr (m.) | middle age |
le bas-âge | Infancy |
l’enfance | childhood |
la jeunesse | Youth |
la maturité | maturity |
la mort | Death |
la naissance | Birt |
le troisième âge | senior, older age |
The stages of life – Flashcards
Then start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and memorize the new words. After that, feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.
La vie conjugale (Married life)
Although unmarried couples living together are not uncommon in France, marriage plays a significant role in the lives of many couples. A civil marriage is necessary and sufficient in the eyes of the law, but it is often accompanied by a religious ceremony.
French | English |
l’anniversaire de mariage (m.) | wedding anniversary |
le concubinage | Cohabitation |
le divorce | Divorce |
les fiançailles (f. pl.) | Engagement |
la grossesse | Pregnancy |
la lune de miel | Honeymoon |
les noces (d’argent, d’or, de diamant) | (silver, gold, diamond) anniversary |
la publication des bans | public announcement (of marriage) |
les rapports intimes (m. pl.) | intimacy |
la rupture | Breakup |
la séparation | Separation |
le second mariage | second marriage |
l’union civile (f.) | civil union |
l’union libre (f.) | Life and living |
les vœux de mariage (m. pl.) | common-law union |
vows | marriage |
Married life – Flashcards
Important Dates List
1. A story for March: Une histoire pour mars
2.New Year: Nouvel an(Test)
3.Birthday: Anniversaire(Test)
1. A story for February:
Une histoire pour février
2.Valentine’s Day :
La Saint-Valentin(Reading)
1. A story for March:
Une histoire pour mars
2.St Patrick’s Day :
La Saint-Patrick(Reading)
3.Spring : Le printemps
4.International day of the “francophonie”:
Journée de la francophonie
1. A story for April:
Une histoire pour avril
2. Holy Week French Vocabulary:
La Semaine Sainte
3. Easter : Pâques
1. A story for May: Une histoire pour mai
1. A story for June: Une histoire pour juin
2.Summer : L’été (Test)
1. A story for July: Une histoire pour juillet
2.Canada Day Vocabulary:
La fête du Canada
1.Thanksgiving : Action de grâce
1. Remembrance day:Se souvenir
1.Christmas : Joyeux Noël(Test)
2.The stages of life : Les étapes de la vie
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