Les bijoux

Les bijoux - JEWELRY

Les bijoux

A piece of jewelry is another one of those accessories that complete a look. In this post “Les bijoux” you will learn the name of pieces of jewelry that are used to decorate or embellish and you will practice the pronunciation of this French vocabulary. Here are some examples: alliance, l’anneau – la bague, les bijoux, la boucle d’oreille, le bracelet , la broche, la chaîne, le collier, etc. Practice them in French!

Vocabulary : Jewelry 

French English
l’alliance the wedding ring
l’anneau – la bague  the ring
les bijoux the jewels
la boucle d’oreille  the earring
le bracelet  the bracelet
la broche  the brooch
la chaîne  the chain
le collier  the necklace
le diamant  the diamond
la médaille  the medallion
la montre  the watch
le pendentif  the pendant
les perles  the pearls

Jewelry – Flashcards

Start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.

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  1. French Vocabulary Level 1
  2. French Vocabulary Level 2
  3. French Vocabulary Level 3
  4. French Vocabulary Level 4
  5. French Vocabulary Level 5

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Les bijoux - JEWELRY
Les bijoux – JEWELRY
