Le plus-que-parfait
Le plus-que-parfait in French is a past tense that corresponds to the English past perfect (e.g., “I had done”). It is used to describe an action that was completed before another past action or point in time.
The plus-que-parfait is formed with:
1. The imperfect tense of the auxiliary verb (avoir or être).
2. The past participle of the main verb.
Step 1: Conjugate avoir or être in the imparfait:
- Avoir: j’avais, tu avais, il/elle/on avait, nous avions, vous aviez, ils/elles avaient.
- Être: j’étais, tu étais, il/elle/on était, nous étions, vous étiez, ils/elles étaient.
Step 2: Add the past participle of the main verb.
- Example: parler → parlé, finir → fini, prendre → pris.
Step 3: Ensure agreement with the subject if using être (e.g., elle était allée).
1.To indicate an action that happened before another past event:
Avant de partir, il avait fermé la porte.
(Before leaving, he had closed the door.)
2. To express regret or missed opportunities:
Si j’avais su, je serais venu.
(If I had known, I would have come.)
3. To provide background information in storytelling:
Elle était déjà partie quand nous sommes arrivés.
(She had already left when we arrived.)
Examples using Plus-que-parfait:
1. With avoir:
J’avais mangé avant qu’il n’arrive.
(I had eaten before he arrived.)
2. With être (motion verbs or reflexive verbs):
Elle était montée dans le train quand il a commencé à pleuvoir.
(She had gotten on the train when it started to rain.)
3. In a conditional sentence:
Si nous avions étudié, nous aurions réussi l’examen.
(If we had studied, we would have passed the exam.)
Important Notes:
- Verbs conjugated with être in the passé composé also use être in the plus-que-parfait.
- Reflexive verbs always use être.
- Agreement: With être, the past participle agrees with the subject. With avoir, agreement occurs only if the direct object precedes the verb. Example: Les lettres que j’avais écrites. (The letters I had written.)
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