Le phare de Carraig Fhada
Le phare de Carraig Fhada – The Carraig Fhada Lighthouse, situated on the Isle of Islay in Scotland, is an iconic white square tower built in 1832 by Walter Frederick Campbell in memory of his wife, Lady Ellinor Campbell. Accessible on foot during low tide via a rocky pathway, the lighthouse offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. It’s a popular tourist site renowned for its unique history and architecture.
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Autour du monde : The Carraig Fhada Lighthouse
French | English |
Le phare de Carraig Fhada, situé sur l’île d’Islay en Écosse, est un phare emblématique en forme de tour carrée blanche. | The Carraig Fhada Lighthouse, located on the Isle of Islay in Scotland, is an iconic lighthouse in the shape of a white square tower. |
Construit en 1832 par Walter Frederick Campbell, ce phare a été érigé en mémoire de sa femme bien-aimée, Lady Ellinor Campbell. | Built in 1832 by Walter Frederick Campbell, this lighthouse was erected in memory of his beloved wife, Lady Ellinor Campbell. |
Le phare est accessible à pied lors de marées basses via un sentier rocheux, offrant aux visiteurs une vue imprenable sur l’océan Atlantique. | The lighthouse is accessible on foot during low tides via a rocky path, offering visitors breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. |
Il constitue un site touristique prisé pour son histoire et son architecture unique. | It is a popular tourist site for its history and unique architecture. |
Autour du monde List
1. The triumphal arch:
L’arc de triomphe
2. Eiffel Tower:
La tour Eiffel
3. McGhee sextuplets:
Les sextuplés McGhee
4. The Carraig Fhada:
The Carraig Fhada Lighthouse
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