Le participe présent
Below you will find great vocabulary about the past participle “Le participe présent”. The French present participle is the verb form that ends in -ant. It is far less common than its English counterpart, which ends in -ing. The French present participle may be an adjective, gerund, noun, or verb. In French, the gerund and the present participle of verbs are used in the written and oral language.
Grammar : The present participle
Nro | French | English |
1 | appeler en appelant |
to call while calling |
2 | aller en allant |
to go while going |
3 | apprendre en apprenant |
to learn while learning |
4 | arriver en arrivant |
to arrive while arriving |
5 | avoir en ayant |
to have while having |
6 | battre en battan |
to beat while beating |
7 | boire en buvant |
to drink while drinking |
8 | comprendre en comprenant |
to understand while understanding |
9 | conduire en conduisant |
to drive while driving |
10 | connaître en connaissant |
to know while knowing |
11 | courir en courant |
to run while running |
12 | choisir en choisissant |
to choose while choosing |
13 | commencer en commençant |
to start while starting |
14 | changer en changean |
to switch while changing |
15 | descendre en descendant |
to go down while going down |
16 | dire en disant |
to say while saying |
17 | découvrir en découvrant | to discover while discovering |
18 | dormir en dormant |
to sleep while sleeping |
19 | devoir en devant |
to have to while having to |
20 | écrire en écrivant |
to write while writing |
21 | enseigner en enseignant |
to teach while teaching |
22 | étudier en étudiant |
to study while studying |
23 | entendre en entendant |
to hear while hearing |
24 | être en étant |
to be while being |
25 | faire en faisant |
to make while doing |
26 | lire en lisant |
to read while reading |
27 | monter en montant |
to climb while climbing |
28 | mettre en mettant |
to put while putting |
29 | manger en mangeant |
to eat while eating |
30 | parler en parlant |
to speak while speaking |
31 | perdre en perdant |
to lose while losing |
32 | prendre en prenant |
to take while taking |
33 | pouvoir en pouvant |
to be able while being able |
34 | rester en restant |
to stay while staying |
35 | répondre en répondant |
to answer while answering |
36 | recevoir en recevant |
to receive while receiving |
37 | réussir en réussissant |
to succeed while succeeding |
38 | sortir en sortant |
to go out while going out |
39 | savoir en sachant |
to know while knowing |
40 | s’asseoir en s’asseyant |
to sit while sitting down |
41 | soigner en soignant |
to take care of while taking care of |
42 | travailler en travaillant |
to work while working |
43 | vendre en vendant |
to sell while selling |
44 | voir en voyant |
to see while seeing |
45 | vouloir en voulant |
to want to while wanting |
Here are some Present participle – FlashCards:
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