La vie professionnelle

Professional life - Vocabulary

La vie professionnelle

In this post “La vie professionnelle” you will learn the most common French terms about the field of professional life. In this first video, you will be able to practice basic words related to professional life and you will be able to pronounce them correctly. Here are some words you will learn: emploi, travail, carrière, poste, salaire, employeur, etc. Practice this French vocabulary here!

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Vocabulary : Professional life

Nro French English
1. Emploi Job
2. Travail Work
3. Carrière Career
4. Poste Position
5. Salaire Salary
6. Employeur Employer
7. Employé Employee
8. Candidat Candidate
9. Entretien d’embauche Job interview
10. Contrat de travail Employment contract
11. Stage Internship
12. Formation Training
13. Expérience professionnelle Professional experience
14. Compétences Skills
15. Qualifications Qualifications

Professional life – Flashcards

Start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.

French Vocabulary Level 5 – List

1. Computer vocabulary: Le vocabulaire de l’informatique 
2. 15 computer related verbs: 15 verbes liés à l’informatique 
3. The space: L’espace 
4. The land: La terre 
5. The water: L’eau 
6. Professional life : La vie professionnelle 

More French vocabulary? Practice here:

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  1. French Vocabulary Level 1
  2. French Vocabulary Level 2
  3. French Vocabulary Level 3
  4. French Vocabulary Level 4
  5. French Vocabulary Level 5

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Professional life - Vocabulary

Additionally, the video includes practical examples and phrases that will help you understand how these terms are used in real-life situations. By the end of this lesson, you will not only know the meanings of these words but also how to use them in sentences, enhancing your ability to communicate effectively in a professional setting. Don’t miss the chance to improve your French and make your professional conversations smoother and more natural!