IR verbs passé composé dictation

IR verbs passé composé dictation

IR verbs passé composé dictation

Practice a French dictation in Past tense (passé composé) with the sentences in this post “IR verbs passé composé dictation”.
Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with IR verbs and you will improve and expand your French vocabulary and grammar skills as well. Enjoy!

Dictation : Sentences with IR French verbs 

French English
1. Les filles ont fini leurs devoirs 1. The girls have finished their homework
2. J’ai choisi une automobile rouge. 2. I chose a red car.
3. Avery est sortie avec ses amies. 3. Avery went out with her friends.
4. Les étudiants ont obéi à leurs professeurs. 4. The students obeyed their teachers.
5. Kiran et Manpreet ont réussi leur test de français. 5. Kiran and Manpreet passed their French test.
6. Nous avons grossi pendant les vacances de Noël. 6. We gained weight during the Christmas vacation.
7. Ma mère a maigri en faisant beaucoup d’exercice. 7. My mother lost weight by exercising a lot.
8. Mon grand-père a accompli son but de voler un avion. 8. My grandfather accomplished his goal of flying a plane.
9. Gagan et sa sœur sont venues nous voir mardi dernier. 9. Gagan and her sister came to visit us last Tuesday.
10. Cette femme est morte subitement. This woman died suddenly.

More French dictation? Practice here:

Explore More French Dictation Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Dictations Level 1 
  2. Dictations Level 2
  3. Dictations Level 3
  4. Dictations Level 4
  5. Dictations Level 5

French Resources for Level 2:

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IR verbs past tense dictation