French weather translation sentences

French weather translation sentences

French weather translation sentences

Join us in this engaging practice as we delve into translating sentences about the weather from English to French. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your translation skills, this exercise provides the perfect opportunity to enhance your listening, writing, and translation abilities. Grab your pen and paper, or simply listen along, as we navigate a variety of sentences and immerse ourselves in the rich vocabulary of French weather.

French to English TRANSLATION

Translation : Weather

French English
1. Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui? 1. What’s the weather like today?
2. Il fait très beau. 2. It is very nice.
3. Il fait mauvais temps aujourd’hui 3. It is bad today.
4. Il neige beaucoup 4. It’s snowing a lot.
5. Il pleut presque tous les jours 5. It rains almost every day.
6. Il fait du brouillard le matin 6. It’s foggy in the morning.
7. Il fait frais la nuit 7. It’s cool at night.
8. De temps en temps il y a des orages l’après-midi. 8. From time to time there are thunderstorms in the afternoon.
9. Une tornade s’approche, attention! 9. A tornado is approaching, be careful!
10. Il fait très nuageux. 10. It’s very cloudy.
11. Il fait moins 5 degrés. 11. It’s minus 5 degrees.
12. La température moyenne est de 20 degrés. 12. The average temperature is 20 degrees.

Translation – List

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More Practice on Weather: Vocabulary, Dictation & Tests

Le temps - The weather - WEATHER Weather (words) Weather vocabulary - Test

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French weather translation sentences

French weather translation sentences

Listen attentively, and as needed, replay the audio to ensure accuracy in your written responses. Dictation exercises like these are an effective tool for enhancing your Spanish vocabulary recognition and spelling skills. So, feel free to take your time, absorb the vocabulary, and enjoy the process of refining your language proficiency through this engaging challenge. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)