French Vocabulary Level 5

French Vocabulary Level 5

French Vocabulary Level 5

Welcome to French Vocabulary Level 5! If you are in this post it is because you already know all basic French vocabulary and you want to learn more.  With our French Vocabulary, you are going to expand your vocabulary knowledge in a different ways.

Enjoy these new topics, with games and audios and practice at your own pace and rhythm. Learn and practice French Vocabulary, by clicking in the topic of your interest:

Vocabulary Level 5

1. Computer vocabulary: Le vocabulaire de l’informatique (Test)
2. 15 computer related verbs: 15 verbes liés à l’informatique (Test)
3. The space: L’espace (Test)
4. The land: La terre (Test)
5. The water: L’eau (Test)
6. Professional life : La vie professionnelle (Test) (Translation)


More French vocabulary? Practice here:

Explore More French Vocabulary Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. French Vocabulary Level 1
  2. French Vocabulary Level 2
  3. French Vocabulary Level 3
  4. French Vocabulary Level 4
  5. French Vocabulary Level 5

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French Vocabulary Level 5


With our French Vocabulary, you are going to expand your vocabulary knowledge in a different ways.Enjoy these topics, with games and audios and practice at your own pace and rhythm. Learn and practice French Vocabulary, by clicking in the topic of your interest,With our French Vocabulary, you are going to expand your vocabulary knowledge in a different ways.Enjoy these topics, with games and audios and practice at your own pace and rhythm. Learn and practice French Vocabulary, by clicking in the topic of your interest: