French Speed Networking

Home » French Speed Networking

french circles french speed networking Maya Evia

“French Speed Networking” provides a fun, structured and professional environment for people to practice their french and forge new connections with other peers at the same time.

“French Speed Networking” is a  FREE event where you can practice your french in a fun and friendly environment.


Ce jour sera l’occasion pour rencontrer d’autres personnes qui sont intéressées à parler ou améliorer leur français. Nous vous souhaitons un bon “French Speed Networking” avec des nouvelles et intéressantes conversations !


An excellent way to practice and remember French Language is to join a French conversation group. I joined a few, but I couldn’t find what I needed. I wanted to participate in a French conversation group where I can practice and repeat small conversations until I become proficient on them, or at least feel comfortable. That’s how I Started French Speed Networking: Merging the idea of a “Speed Networking” +”French Language” so it can be a friendly and funny environment where you can practice French and also meet interesting people.Maya Evia


Do you want to know more about “French Speed Networking”? Feel free to read How does a French Speed Networking works.

Registration for French Speed Networking is free and spaces are limited, so you need to save your spot by filling out  the registration link in the following table. Feel free to invite friends and family. Register now!


Month Where Date Link
January French Speed Networking  Brampton Tuesday 6th Click Here for registration
February French Speed Networking  Brampton  Tuesday  3th Click here for registration
 March French Speed Networking  Brampton  Tuesday 3th Click here for registration
 April French Speed Networking Brampton Tuesday 7th
June French Speed Networking Brampton Tuesday 2th


This event will be an opportunity to meet other peers who are interested to speak and/or to improve their French skills. I wish you a good “French Speed ​​Networking” with new and interesting conversations. Enjoy!