French RE verbs with phonetic pronunciation

RE verbs with phonetic pronunciation - Grammar

French RE verbs with phonetic pronunciation

Phonetic pronunciation provides a way to represent the sounds of a language using specific symbols that may differ from the standard alphabet. Therefore, “French RE verbs with phonetic pronunciation” refer to providing a representation of these verbs using phonetic symbols to indicate how they are pronounced in French. For instance, “parler” is pronounced as [paʁ.le] in French (or Parhlay), where the symbols in brackets represent the phonetic transcription of its pronunciation. The brackets indicate that what’s written inside is a phonetic transcription, breaking down the pronunciation into syllables and marking tone, duration, and stress accurately.

More examples in this video:

Also practice part 1 or 2:

RE verbs phoneticPart 1 RE verbs phoneticPart 2


Short video: RE verbs phonetic part 1

Practice phonetic pronunciation: RE verbs

French English
Attendre To wait
Comprendre To understand
Descendre To descend
Perdre To lose
Répondre To answer
Suspendre To suspend
Vendre To sell

RE verbs phonetic part 1 – Flashcards

To practice more RE verbs part 1, review the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then use the different study modes like us match, learn, test or spell to continue practicing RE verbs.


Short video: RE verbs phonetic part 2

Practice phonetic pronunciation: RE verbs

French English
Apprendre To learn
Boire To drink
Conduire To drive
Dire To say
Écrire To write
Faire To do
Lire To read

RE verbs phonetic part 2 – Flashcards

To practice more RE verbs part 2, review the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then use the different study modes like us match, learn, test or spell to continue practicing RE verbs.

Click to Learn ‘ER’ and ‘IR’ verbs with phonetic pronunciation here:

French ER verbs with phonetic pronunciation IR verbs with phonetic pronunciation - Grammar

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RE verbs with phonetic pronunciation - Grammar

Verbes RE français avec prononciation phonétique