French numbers dictation practice 1

French numbers dictation practice

French numbers dictation practice

French numbers dictation practice 1 : In this video you are going to listen to some French number. Write the number in numeral form. The number not the word in French. Feel free to go back and listen again, take your time. Dans cette vidéo, vous allez écouter quelques chiffres en français. N’hésitez pas à écouter de nouveau, prenez votre temps.

Check the numbers of the dictation here:

3, 17, 8, 11, 15, 

4, 10, 6, 1, 0, 

26, 43, 16, 61, 18, 

55, 88, 98, 33, 1973, 

2000, 2017.

Practice more French numbers dictation here:

French numbers dictation practice 1
French numbers dictation practice 2
French numbers dictation practice 3
French numbers dictation practice 4
French numbers dictation practice 5

Dictation Level 1 – List

Vocabulary dictation Level 1

1. French greetings (Words) (Sentences)
2. Question words (Words) (Sentences)
3. Family members (Words) (Sentences)
4. The professions (Words)
5. The Days of the week (Words) (Sentences)
6. Months of the year (Words)
8. Countries (Words)
9. Places to go (Words) (Sentences)
10. The seasons (Words
11. The weather (Words) (Sentences)
12. Short sentences with words spelled alike (Sentences)
13. Boost Your French Listening Skills – Level 1  (Words) 

Grammar dictation Level 1

1. Basic verbs (Words
2. The verb to have and the vowel A (Sentences)
3. The verb to have and the vowel E (Sentences)
4. Most Common French Verbs Sentences (Sentences)

French dictation words:

More French dictation sentences:

Explore More French Dictation Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Dictations Level 1 
  2. Dictations Level 2
  3. Dictations Level 3
  4. Dictations Level 4
  5. Dictations Level 5

French Resources for Level 1:

Do you want to practice another Resource? Click on the image of your interest:

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Do you want to practice another Number Dictation?

Dictée de nombres – MiCetF

French numbers dictation practiceFrench numbers dictation practice 1

This exercise will help you improve your listening skills and recognize numbers in spoken French more easily. Try to write them down as accurately as possible before checking your answers. Bonne chance !