French Living room – dictation sentences
Join us in this engaging dictation practice about French living room dictation sentences. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your listening skills, this exercise offers a perfect opportunity to enhance your listening and writing skills. Grab your pen and paper, or simply listen along, as we navigate through a variety of sentences, immersing ourselves in the rich vocabulary of living room in French.
Dictation : Living room
Nouns | French | English |
1. Le fauteuil | 1. Le fauteuil est très confortable | 1. The chair is very comfortable. |
2. La télévision | 2. La télévision est allumée. | 2. The television is on. |
3. La télécommande | 3. La télécommande est sur la table. | 3. The remote control is on the table. |
4. La lampe de salon | 4. La lampe de salon éclaire bien. | 4. The living room lamp is bright. |
5. Le tableau | 5. Le tableau est accroché au mur. | 5. The picture hangs on the wall. |
6. Le coussin | 6. Le coussin est sur le canapé. | 6. The cushion is on the sofa. |
7. La bibliothèque | 7. La bibliothèque est remplie de livres. | 7. The bookcase is full of books. |
8. Le vase | 8. Le vase contient des fleurs. | 8. The vase contains flowers. |
9. Le porte-revues | 9. Le porte-revues est à côté du fauteuil. | 9. The magazine rack is next to the armchair. |
10. Le pouf | 10. Le pouf est devant la télévisio | 10. The footstool is in front of the TV. |
More French dictation sentences? Practice here: