French Greetings (Sentences)
Learn and practice French dictation: “French Greetings (Sentences)”. Working in these small dictations. They are an excellent way to improve your listening, comprehension and writing ability. Enjoy the dictation!
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Dictation : Greetings (Sentences)
French | English |
Coucou, mon nom est Maya. Bonjour, je m’appelle Sam. Salut, je suis Elizabeth. Bonsoir et bon weekend. À plus tard mon chéri. À bientôt ma chérie. À demain mes amis. |
Hi, my name is Maya. Good Morning, my name is Sam. Hi, I am Elizabeth. Good evening and have a good weekend. See you later my darling.(Masc) See you soon my darling. (Fem.) See you tomorrow my friends. |
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