Expressions Two words
French Expressions Two words is a very good way to improve your French skills. By learning and practicing these French Expressions with two words, certainly you are going to gain new useful vocabulary. Enjoy!
French expressions: Two words
French | Pronunciation | English | |
1 | Par coeur | (par keur) | by heart |
2 | Il faut | (eel foh) | It is necessary |
3 | Ça suffit | (sah sü-fee) | that’s enough |
4 | Bon appétit | (bohN-nah-pey-tee!) | Enjoy your meal |
5 | bon voyage | (bohN-vwah-yazh) | Have a good trip |
6 | À bientôt | (ah byaN- toh) | See you soon |
7 | Allons-y! | (ah-lohN-zee) | Let’s go! |