French Dictation Level 5
Welcome to French Dictation Level 5! If you are in this post it is because you already practice French Dictations Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4.
With our level 5, you are going to improve more your listening skills and feeling more comfortable listening French converstations, songs or any simple French audios and series…
Specially in different tenses like present, future (Simple future and near future) and past tense. (imparfait and passé composé).
Enjoy these Dictations and practice them many times as you need. Learn and practice Dictation level 5, by clicking in the topic of your interest:
Dictation Level 5
1. Bijou and Joujou:
Bijou et Joujou
2. Elaine and Satty:
Elaine et Satty
3. Go to Belgium:
Allez en Belgique
4. Space, earth and water:
L’espace, la terre et l’eau
5. Spring is coming:
Printemps qui vient
6. Little summer rain:
Petite pluie d’été
7. Autumn dictation:
Automne dictation
8. Winter Dictation:
L’hiver Dictation
9. Present conditional tense:
a) ER verbs conditionnel dictation
b) IR verbs conditionnel dictation
c) RE verbs conditionnel dictation
10. The present subjunctive :
a) Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation
b) Sentences IR verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation
c) Sentences RE verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation
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