French Dictation Level 4

French Dictations Level 4

French Dictation Level 4

Welcome to French Dictation Level 4! If you are in this post it is because you already practice French Dictations Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
With our level 4, you are going to improve your listening skills and feel more comfortable listening to French conversations, songs or any simple French audios and series…
Specially in different tenses like present, future (Simple future and near future) and past tense. (imparfait and passé composé).
Enjoy these Dictations and practice them many times as you need. Learn and practice Dictation level 4, by clicking in the topic of your interest:

Vocabulary dictation Level 4

1. Clothing  (Words)
2. Ordinal numbers  (Words)
3. Numbers dictation practice 4 : Dictée des nombres  partie 4
4. Cosmetics (Words)

Grammar dictation Level 4

1. Reflexive Verbs practice 2 : Les verbes pronominaux partie 2
2. Present conditional tense :
     aER verbs conditionnel dictation
     b) IR verbs conditionnel dictation
     c) RE verbs conditionnel dictation
3. Past Perfect tense: Le Plus-que-parfait
       a) ER verbs Plus-que-parfait dictation
       b) IR verbs Plus-que-parfait dictation
       c) RE verbs Plus-que-parfait dictation

Reading dictation Level 4

1. Present :
       a) 3 tips for a healthier lifestyle : 3 conseils pour pour prendre soin de votre santé
       b) Melody and me (present participle) Mélodie et moi
2. Passé Composé :
      a) A Trip to England : Un voyage en Angleterre
      b) Snow White : Blanche Neige
      c) A memorable weekend : Un weekend mémorable
3. Future :
      a) Their wedding plans : Leurs projets de mariage
4. Conditional :
      a) Dreams of the futur : Rêves d’avenir

More French dictation? Practice here:

Explore More French Dictation Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Dictations Level 1 
  2. Dictations Level 2
  3. Dictations Level 3
  4. Dictations Level 4
  5. Dictations Level 5

French Resources for Level 4:

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French Dictation Level 4