French Adjectives (Sentences)
French Adjectives (Sentences): French adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the nouns they describe. Learn and practice French adjectives in a dictation with these sentences. Practice the dictation as many times as you need. Just remember that French adjectives need to match in number and in gender.
French Adjectives (Sentences)
French | English |
Je suis intelligent | I am intelligent (m) |
Tu es curieuse | You are curious (f.s.) |
Il est responsable | He is responsible |
Elle est active | She is active |
Nous sommes canadiens | We are Canadian (m) |
Vous êtes françaises | You are French (f) |
Ils sont forts | They are strong |
Elles sont jumelles | They are twins |
Je suis le meilleur ami de Maya | I am Maya’s best friend (m) |
Tu es une infirmière de l’hôpital général de Montréal | You are a nurse at the Montreal General Hospital |
Il est un dentiste très occupé | He is a busy dentist |
Elle est une fameuse actrice de télévision | She is a famous television actress |
Nous sommes des musiciens professionnels | We are professional musicians |
Vous êtes vendeurs de fruits | You are fruit sellers |
Ils sont plus âgés que moi | They are older than me |
Elles sont plus petites que toi | They are smaller than you |
French Adjectives – Flashcards
Start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.