My First French Words with U

First French Words with U

My First French Words with U

In this post “My First French Words with U”, learn and practice French words vocabulary that have the vowel U such us: nous, vous, l’ours (m.), etc.

Here are some useful French words you can use to practice the pronunciation of the vowel U. Practicing these words is important for mastering French pronunciation, since unlike in English language, many times, not all the letters are pronounced in French. Enjoy.

Practice words with “U” and “OU”

Practice these words with U and OU using the flashcards:

Nro French English
1 tu you (sing. and informal)
2 nous we
3 vous you (pl. or sing. form.)
4 l’ours (m.) bear
5 le mouton sheep
6 le loup wolf
7 la lumière light
8 le manuel textbook
9 pour for
10 trouver to find
11 écouter to listen
12 jouer to play
13 étudier to study
14 la musique music
15 l’autobus bus
16 Tout all/everything

Would you like to try another vowel ?

  1. My first French words with A:
    Mes premiers mots français avec A 
  2. My first French words with E:
    Mes premiers mots français avec E 
  3. My first French words with I:
    Mes premiers mots français avec I 
  4. My first French words with O:
    Mes premiers mots français avec O

Here some words beginning with consonants:

  1. My first French words with B:
    Mes premiers mots français avec B
  2. My first French words with C:
    Mes premiers mots français avec C
  3. My first French words with Ç:
    Mes premiers mots français avec Ç
  4. My first French words with Ch:
    Mes premiers mots français avec Ch

Learn to pronounce U in French:

Test your knowledge of French words that include the vowel U:

Words with U French Test

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First French Words with U