First French Words with Ch

Ch - My first French words

My First French Words with Ch

In this post “My First French Words with Ch”, learn and practice French words vocabulary that have the vowel Ch such us: chaque, changer, chanter,  le chat, la chatte, etc.

Here are some useful French words you can use to practice the pronunciation of the vowel Ch. Practicing these words is important for mastering French pronunciation, since unlike in English language, many times, not all the letters are pronounced in French. Enjoy.

Here are some words with Ch:

Nro French English
1 la chaise chair
2 la chambre room
3 le champ field
4 le chapeau hat
5 chaque each
6 changer to change
7 chanter to sing
8 le chat cat (m)
9 la chatte cat (f)
10 chien dog (m)
11 chienne dog (f)
12 chaud hot (m)
13 chaude hot (f)
14 le château castle
15 le chemin path
16 cher expensive
17 chez to be somewhere/at somebody’s place
18 le cheveu hair
19 le cheval horse
20 le chocolat chocolate
21 la chose thing
22 chanter to sing
23 chaos chaos

Would you like to try a consonant ?

  1. My first French words with B:
    Mes premiers mots français avec B
  2. My first French words with C:
    Mes premiers mots français avec C
  3. My first French words with Ç:
    Mes premiers mots français avec Ç

Would you like to try another vowel ?

  1. My first French words with A:
    Mes premiers mots français avec A 
  2. My first French words with E:
    Mes premiers mots français avec E 
  3. My first French words with I:
    Mes premiers mots français avec I 
  4. My first French words with O:
    Mes premiers mots français avec O
  5. My first French words with U:
    Mes premiers mots français avec U

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Ch - My first French words