ER verbs future simple dictation
Practice a French dictation in future tense (Futur simple) with the sentences in this post “ER verbs Future simple dictation”.
Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with ER verbs and you will improve and expand your French vocabulary and grammar skills as well. Enjoy!
Dictation : Sentences with ER French verbs
French | English |
1. Je mangerai une pizza ce soir. | 1. I’ll have pizza tonight. |
2. Tu nageras dans la piscine cet été. | 2. You’ll be swimming in the pool this summer. |
3. Il skiera dans les Alpes en hiver. | 3. He’ll be skiing in the Alps in winter. |
4. Elle aura son diplôme l’année prochaine. | 4. She’ll graduate next year. |
5. Nous jouerons au football demain. | 5. We’ll play soccer tomorrow. |
6. La semaine prochaine, vous voyagerez en train. | 6. Next week, you’ll travel by train. |
7. Ils écouteront de la musique classique. | 7. They’ll listen to classical music. |
8. Elles organiseront une fête d’anniversaire pour son amie. | 8. They’ll organize a birthday party for her friend. |
9. J’étudierai pour mes examens finaux. | 9. I’ll be studying for my final exams. |
10. L’année prochaine, vous ferez un voyage en famille. | 10. Next year, you’ll take a family trip. |