Elle s’appelle Elizabeth

Elle s'appelle Elizabeth - INTRODUCING A PERSON

Elle s’appelle Elizabeth

In this post, Elle s’appelle Elizabeth, you will practice how to introduce someone. You have a video and a quizlet, start reviewing the flashcards from the quizlet and then feel free to continue with the practice using the other options such us match, learn, test or spell.

Enjoy this video!

Introducing Elizabeth – Flashcards

Introducing Elizabeth:

French English
Bonjour Good morning
Son nom est Elizabeth. Her name is Elizabeth.
Elle habite à Mississauga. She lives in Mississauga.
Elle est une étudiante de français . She is a student of French.
Son anniversaire est le six janvier. Her birthday is January six.
Dans sa famille il y a cinq personnes:
Sa mère, son père, son frère et sa soeur.
In her family there are five people:
Her mother, his father his brother and sister.
Elle aime jouer avec son Ipad. She likes to play with her Ipad.

Personal Questions-Informal

French English
Quel est ton nom? What is her name?
Quel âge as-tu? How old is she?
Où tu habites? Where does she live?
Qu’est ce que tu fais? What does she do?
Quand est ton anniversaire? When is her birthday?
Combien de personnes il y a dans ta famille? How many people are in her family?
Qu’est ce que tu aimes faire? What does she like to do?
Quelle est ta saison préférée? What is her favorite season?
Quel genre de film tu aimes? What kind of movies does she like?
Est-ce que tu as un animal de compagnie? Does she has a pet?

Personal Presentations Level 1 – List

1. Melodie personal presentation : Présentation personnelle de Melodie
2. Introducing Melodie: Voici Melodie
3. Sam personal presentation : Présentation personnelle de Sam
4. Introducing Sam: Voici Sam
5. Sama personal presentation : Présentation personnelle de Sama
6. Introducing Sama: Voici Sama
7. Elizabeth personal presentation: Présentation personnelle d’Elizabeth
9. Ananya Personal presentation: Présentation personnelle de Ananya
10. Maya – Omar and Vinitha personal presentation: Présentation personnelle de Maya, Omar et Vinitha

More personal presentations Level 1 here:

More personal presentations Level 2 here:

More personal presentations Level 3 here:

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Elle s'appelle Elizabeth - INTRODUCING A PERSON

Her name is elizabeth