Domestic animals (words)
In this post, Domestic animals (words), engage in learning French domestic animals through dictation exercises. This practice focuses on improving your listening and writing skills by dictating French phrases using the domestic animals such as “Le chat”, “Le poisson” and others. Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners, it aids in pronunciation, spelling, and comprehension. Enjoy!
Short dictation domestic animals
Dictation : animaux domestiques
French | English |
1. Le chat | The cat |
2. La souris | The mouse |
3. Le chien | The dog |
4. La tortue | The turtle |
5. Le lapin | The rabbit |
6. Le poisson | Fish |
7. L’ oiseau | The bird |
8. Le perroquet | The parrot |
Practice Animaux (Animals) – Flashcards
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