
French Circles - Dictation - Dictee

French Dictation (Dictée) for all levels

Dictation – French Circles: Learn and practice your French Skills by working in these small dictations. They are an excellent way to improve your listening, comprehension and writing ability. Try now and you will see how your French level gets better and better.


Step 1: Listen & watch one time the video. Do not write. Repeat the french words.

Step 2: Listen again and write what you hear in. Try not to pause the video.

Step 3: Put again the video. Check and compare your sentences and make corrections to what you have written.

Vocabulary dictation Level 1Click here Grammar dictation Level 1Click here
Vocabulary dictation Level 2Click here Grammar dictation Level 2Click here
Vocabulary dictation Level 3Click here Grammar dictation Level 3Click here

Reading dictation Level 3Click here

Dictation level 4Click here

Dictation level 5Click here Dictation level 6Click here


Vocabulary dictation Level 1

1. French greetings (Words) (Sentences)
2. Question words (Words) (Sentences)
3. Family members (Words) (Sentences)
4. The professions (Words)
5. The Days of the week (Words) (Sentences)
6. Months of the year (Words)
7. French Numbers Dictation #1 (Words)
8. Countries (Words)
9. Places to go (Words) (Sentences)
10. The seasons (Words
11. The weather (Words) (Sentences) (Translation)
12. Short sentences with words spelled alike (Sentences)
13. Boost Your French Listening Skills – Level 1  (Words) 





Grammar dictation Level 1

1. Basic verbs (Words
2. The verb to have and the vowel A (Sentences)
3. The verb to have and the vowel E (Sentences)
4. Most Common French Verbs Sentences (Sentences)


Vocabulary dictation Level 2

1. The colors (Words)  
2. Breakfast food (Words)  
3. Domestic animals (Words)
4. The body parts (Words) 
5. Numbers level 2 (Words) (Sentences)
6. French drinks (Words) (Sentences) (Translation)
7. French kitchen (Words) (Sentences) (Translation)
8. Around the house (Sentences
9. House rooms (Words) (Sentences) (Translation)
10. French Bedroom (Words) (Sentences) (Translation)
11. French Living room(Words)  (Sentences)
12. Boost Your French Listening Skills – Level 2  (Words)






Grammar dictation Level 2

1. Basic verbs Part 2 (Words
2. French Adjectives (Sentences)
3. Reflexive Verbs dictation practice (Words) (Sentences
4. French expressions with the verb AVOIR (Sentences)
5. The present tense: Présent
        a) French Sentences with ER verbs (Sentences) (Phonetic)
        b) French Sentences with IR verbs (Sentences) (Phonetic)
        c) French Sentences with RE verbs (Sentences) (Phonetic)
6. Irregular verbs (Words) (Sentences)
7. The preterit (compound past) (Sentences
        a) ER verbs passé composé dictation
        b) IR verbs passé composé dictation
        c) RE verbs passé composé dictation
8. Imperfect tense (L’imparfait):  L’imparfait
         a) ER verbs imparfait dictation
         b) IR verbs imparfait dictation
         c) RE verbs imparfait dictation
         d) A childhood memory  
         e) Elementary school 


Vocabulary dictation Level 3

1. The hours (Words
2. The Hobbies (Words
3. Transportation (Words
4. Car trips (Words
5. Air travel (Words
6. Numbers level 3 (Words
7. Utensils and cutlery (Words
8. Positive and negative emotions (Words






Grammar dictation Level 3

1. French Expressions : 
          a) Expressions with to go: Expressions françaises avec Aller
          b) Expressions with to do: Expressions françaises avec Faire
2. Recognize the verb: Reconnaître le verbe
3. The simple future:
                      a) Le futur simple
                      b) ER verbs future simple
                      c) IR verbs future simple
                      d) RE verbs future simple






Reading dictation Level 3

1. Present: 
        a) At the restaurant : Au restaurant
        b) Famous People (Part 1): Célébrités (partie 1)
        c) Famous People (Part 2): Célébrités (partie 2)
        d) My decisions : Mes décisions
        e) Un séjour romantique:  A romantic stay
2. Passé composé:
         a) At the pool : À la piscine
         b) Bleubeard : Barbe Bleue
3. Imparfait:
         a) The house of my childhood :La maison de mon enfance
4. Future:
          a) A new career : Une nouvelle carrière
          b) Their wedding plans : Leurs projets de mariage
5. This weekend: Ce weekend


Dictation Level 4

Vocabulary dictation Level 4

1. Clothing  (Words)
2. Ordinal numbers  (Words)
3. Numbers dictation practice 4 : Dictée des nombres  partie 4
4. Cosmetics (Words)


Grammar dictation Level 4

1. Reflexive Verbs practice 2 : Les verbes pronominaux partie 2
2. Present conditional tense :
     aER verbs conditionnel dictation
     b) IR verbs conditionnel dictation
     c) RE verbs conditionnel dictation
3. Past Perfect tense: Le Plus-que-parfait
       a) ER verbs Plus-que-parfait dictation
       b) IR verbs Plus-que-parfait dictation
       c) RE verbs Plus-que-parfait dictation

Reading dictation Level 4

1. Present :
       a) 3 tips for a healthier lifestyle : 3 conseils pour pour prendre soin de votre santé
       b) Melody and me (present participle) Mélodie et moi
2. Passé Composé :
      a) A Trip to England : Un voyage en Angleterre
      b) Snow White : Blanche Neige
      c) A memorable weekend : Un weekend mémorable
3. Future :
      a) Their wedding plans : Leurs projets de mariage
4. Conditional :
      a) Dreams of the futur : Rêves d’avenir


Dictation Level 5

Vocabulary dictation Level 5

1. Professional life (Words) (Sentences) (Translation)

2. Numbers dictation practice 5 : Dictée des nombres  partie 5

Grammar dictation Level 5

1. Bijou and Joujou:
Bijou et Joujou
2. Elaine and Satty:
Elaine et Satty
3. Go to Belgium:
Allez en Belgique
4. Space, earth and water:
L’espace, la terre et l’eau
5. Spring is coming:
Printemps qui vient
6. Little summer rain:
Petite pluie d’été
7. Autumn dictation:
Automne dictation
8. Winter Dictation:
L’hiver Dictation
9. Present conditional tense:
     a) ER verbs conditionnel dictation
     b) IR verbs conditionnel dictation
     c) RE verbs conditionnel dictation
10. The present subjunctive :
                       a) Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation
                       b) Sentences IR verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation
                       c) Sentences RE verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Dictation Level 6

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French Circles - Dictation - Dictee

Dictation – French Circles