Days of the week (Sentences)

Days of he week - Dictation

Days of the week (Sentences)

How to say the “Jours des semaines” in French?. Practice the pronunciations using Days of the week (Sentences). Read and repeat the days with these sentences and you will improve your French level.

Dictation : Days of the week (Sentences)

French English
J’ai un rendez-vous chez le dentiste mardi 3 octobre*. I have an appointment at the dentist Tuesday, October 3
Mon anniversaire est le 17 mars*. My birthday is March 17 *.
Le mois de décembre* , je vais en vacances. December *, I go on vacation.
Jeudi matin* arrive sa mère.  Thursday morning * her mom arrives.
Le 1er juillet* est un jour férié. * July the 1st is a holiday.
Samedi soir*, je sors avec mes amis. Saturday night*, I go out with my friends.
Cette année, Noël tombe un vendredi*. This year, Christmas falls on a Friday *.

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Days of the week (Sentences)