Could – Should – Would
Learn and practice French grammar, Could – Should – Would . These 3 modal verbs are used to refer to hypothetical situations that could have happened but didn’t. Practice them in this video and you will improve your French grammar.
Grammar : Could – Should – Would
Could | When could refers to a single, unique action in the past, the passé composé of pouvoir is used. | Il n’a pas pu lui parler. – He couldn’t talk to him |
Nous avons pu aller à la plage. We could go to the beach. |
Could | When could refers to a description or a habitual action, the imparfait of pouvoir is used. | En ce temps-là, les femmes ne pouvaient pas voter. – At that time, women could not vote. |
À cette époque, les voitures ne pouvaient pas traverser la ville. At that time, horses couldn’t drive through the city. |
Could | When could refers to an idea of the future, a hypothesis, a suggestion, or a request, the présent of conditionnel of pouvoir is used. | Je pourrais vous prêter ma voiture. – I could lend you my car. |
Ils pourraient apprendre à jouer de la guitare. They could learn how to play the clarinet. |
Should | When should means ought to, the conditionnel (présent or passé) is used. | Elle devrait se détendre un peu. – She should relax a bit. |
Vous devriez aller au concert. – |
Would | When would refers to a repeated action in the past, the imparfait is used. | Quand j’étais étudiant, je lisais les journaux tous les jours. – When I was student, I would read the newspapers every day. |
Quand ils étaient adolescents, ils jouaient au football le jeudi. When they were teens, they would play volleyball on Thursdays. |
Would | When would refers to a polite request, the présent du conditionnel is used | Voudrais-tu me montrer le chemin? – Would you mind showing me the way? |
Est-ce que tu voudrais bien m’aider à résoudre ce problème? Can you help me solve that problem? |
Would | When would refers to a specific action in the past, the passé composé of vouloir is used. | Nous leur avons demandé de nous accorder un peu de temps: ils n’ont pas voulu le faire. – We asked them to give us a little time; they would not do it. |
J’ai lui a posé la question plusieurs fois; elle n’a pas pu répondre. I asked her the question several times, she would not answer. |
Would | When would refers to an idea of the future, a hypothesis, or a suggestion, the présent du conditionnel is used. The imparfait is used in the si clause. | Je vous le dirais si je le savais. – I would tell you if I knew. |
Elle serait si heureuse s’il la demandait en mariage. She would be so happy if he proposed to her. |
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