Could – Should – Would

Could - Should - Would - Grammar

Could – Should – Would

Learn and practice French grammar, Could – Should – Would . These 3 modal verbs are used to refer to hypothetical situations that could have happened but didn’t. Practice them in this video and you will improve your French grammar.

Grammar : Could – Should – Would

Could When could refers to a single, unique action in the past, the passé composé of pouvoir is used. Il n’a pas pu lui parler.
– He couldn’t talk to him
Nous avons pu aller à la plage. 
We could go to the beach.
Could When could refers to a description or a habitual action, the imparfait of pouvoir is used. En ce temps-là, les femmes ne pouvaient pas voter.
– At that time, women could not vote.
À cette époque, les voitures ne pouvaient pas traverser la ville. 
At that time, horses couldn’t drive through the city.
Could When could refers to an idea of the future, a hypothesis, a suggestion, or a request, the présent of conditionnel of pouvoir is used. Je pourrais vous prêter ma voiture.
– I could lend you my car.
Ils pourraient apprendre à jouer de la guitare.  
They could learn how to play the clarinet.
Should When should means ought to, the conditionnel (présent or passé) is used. Elle devrait  se détendre un peu.
– She should relax a bit.
Vous devriez aller au concert. –
Would When would refers to a repeated action in the past, the imparfait is used. Quand j’étais étudiant, je lisais les journaux tous les jours.
– When I was student, I would read the newspapers every day.
Quand ils étaient adolescents, ils jouaient au football le jeudi. 
 When they were teens, they would play volleyball on Thursdays.
Would When would refers to a polite request, the présent du conditionnel is used Voudrais-tu me montrer le chemin?
– Would you mind showing me the way?
Est-ce que tu voudrais bien m’aider à résoudre ce problème? 
Can you help me solve that problem?
Would When would refers to a specific action in the past, the passé composé of vouloir is used. Nous leur avons demandé de nous accorder un peu de temps: ils n’ont pas voulu le faire.
– We asked them to give us a little time; they would not do it.
J’ai lui a posé la question plusieurs fois; elle n’a pas pu répondre
I asked her the question several times, she would not answer.
Would When would refers to an idea of the future, a hypothesis, or a suggestion, the présent du conditionnel is used. The imparfait is used in the si clause. Je vous le dirais si je le savais.
– I would tell you if I knew.
Elle serait si heureuse s’il la demandait en mariage. She would be so happy if he proposed to her.

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Could - Should - Would - Grammar