Compréhension Orale-Salade de fruits

Compréhension Orale-Salade de fruits

Compréhension Orale-Salade de fruits

In this post, Compréhension Orale-Salade de fruits, we offer you an oral comprehension exercise on the topic: “Fruit salad” will help you practice your listening and comprehension skills. Learn and practice Compréhension Orale. Click on the video and enjoy the practice.

Compréhension Orale – List

Listening Tests:

1. DELF A1 Test 1
2. DELF A1 Test 2
3. DELF A1 Test 3
4. DELF A1 Test 4

Listening Exercises:

1. The House – La maison
2. Family – La famille 
3. Bedroom – La chambre
4. Fruit salad – Salade de fruits
5. Clothes –  Les vêtements

Practice additional tests and listening exercises from the Oral Comprehension section here: (Compréhension Orale)

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Oral Comprehension-Fruit Salad


This exercise is tailored to enhance your understanding of French vocabulary related to fruits and food preparation. By listening to the conversation or narration in the video, you will become more adept at recognizing and comprehending common phrases and terms used in culinary contexts. Take notes on the different fruits mentioned and any instructions provided. After watching the video, try to recreate the recipe or describe it in French to further reinforce your learning. Engaging with this type of content regularly will improve your ability to follow spoken French and expand your culinary vocabulary, making you more confident in both listening and speaking scenarios. Moreover, incorporating additional activities such as making your own fruit salad while describing the process in French, or discussing favorite fruit combinations with fellow learners can make the learning experience more interactive and enjoyable. This hands-on approach will help solidify the vocabulary and phrases you’ve learned, providing practical application and deeper retention of the language. Exploring related topics, such as nutritional benefits of fruits or regional fruit dishes in French-speaking countries, can also enrich your cultural knowledge and linguistic skills simultaneously.