Comment allez-vous

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Petite conversation: Comment allez-vous?

In this post: Comment allez-vous?, this is the formal way of asking “how are you?”, on it formal verb inversion construction and the vous form. Note the strong liaison : coman(nasal) Tallé voo.

You may also say: Comment vous allez? on it formal verb direct construction and the vous form.
You use the VOUS when you are talking to a person much older than you are, when you want to respect seniority or aldo it can be a plural.

A typical answer for “comment allez-vous” could be:

– Je vais bien (if the vous stood for yourself) – I’m fine (remember French use “aller”, not “être” – we don’t say “je suis bien” but “je vais bien”
– Nous allons bien (if the vous stood for several people)

Formal conversation – Conversation formelle

French English
M: Bonjour Monsieur. Comment allez-vous? Good morning Mr..How are you?
R: Je vais très bien merci, et vous Madame? I’m very well thank you, and you?
M: Très bien aussi. Merci. Very well, also. Thank you.
R: Au revoir Madame. Good bye Ms.
M:  Au revoir Monsieur et bonne journée. Good bye Sir and have a good day.

Formal conversation Quizlet – flashcard


Familiar conversation – Conversation Informelle

French English
D: Salut Dominique. Comment vas-tu? Hello Dominique. How are you?
G: Je vais bien Gabriel. Et toi? I am going well Gabriel. And you?
D: Moi aussi, tout va bien, Merci. Everything is going well, thank you.
G:  Alors, à tout de suite. So, see you in a while.

Practice this familiar conversation here:

Familiar conversation – Conversation InformelleClick here to practice this conversation in the familiar way

French Beginners Level 1 – List

1. What’s your name?: Tu t’appelles comment? (informal) / Comment vous appelez vous? (formal)
2. How are you? Comment vas-tu? (informal) / Comment allez-vous? (formal)
3. Do you have brothers ans sisters?  Est-ce que tu as des frères et soeurs?
4. What is your profession?: Quelle est votre profession?
5. How old are you? Quel âge as-tu? (informal) / Quel âge avez-vous? (formal)
6. When is your birthday?:  Quand est ton anniversaire?
7. What is your phone number? Quel est votre numéro de téléphone?
8. What is your (p.) nationality? Quelle est votre nationalité?
9. Where are you going? – Where do you come from?: Où vas tu? – D’où viens tu?
10. What day is it? Quel jour sommes nous? Quel jour est-il?
11. What is your favorite season? Quelle est ta saison préférée?
12. How is the weather? Quel temps fait – il?
13. Let me introduce you… Je vous présente

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  1. Conversation Level 1 
  2. Conversation Level 2
  3. Conversation Level 3
  4. Conversation Level 4
  5. Conversation Level 5

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comment allez-vous