C’est l’hiver-Pierre Lalonde

C'est l'hiver-Pierre Lalonde

C’est l’hiver-Pierre Lalonde

C’est l’hiver-Pierre Lalonde is a singer and television host from Montreal, Quebec. He is the son of singer Jean Lalonde.

The son of Jean Lalonde, a popular singer in the 1940s, Lalonde attended high school in the United States but returned to Canada in 1960, where he worked at radio station CKJL with his father in Saint-Jérôme, Quebec. Shortly after, he worked in Montreal at CJMS. Lalonde mainly recorded in French, but he released a number of singles in English as well.

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Lyrics : Cest lhiver

French English
Nous filons sur la neige blanche We ride on white snow
En ce beau jour de dimanche On this beautiful Sunday day
À travers les sapins verts Across the green pines
C’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver! It’s winter, it’s winter, it’s winter!
Les enfants de notre village The children of our village
Chantent la joie de leur âge Sing the joy of their age
Et les grands murmurent au grand air And the older ones murmur this big air
C’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver! It’s winter, it’s winter, it’s winter!
Le Bon Dieu dans son paradis The Good Lord in his paradise
Doit aussi chanter avec nous Must also sing with us
Car la nature est si jolie Because nature is so pretty
Le bleu de son ciel est si doux. The blue of his sky is so sweet.
Nous filons sur la neige blanche We ride on white snow
En ce beau jour de dimanche On this beautiful Sunday day
À travers les sapins verts Across the green pines
C’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver! It’s winter, it’s winter, it’s winter!
Le Bon Dieu dans son paradis The Good Lord in his paradise
Doit aussi chanter avec nous Must also sing with us
Car la nature est si jolie Because nature is so pretty
Le bleu de son ciel est si doux. The blue of his sky is so sweet.
Nous filons sur la neige blanche We ride on white snow
En ce beau jour de dimanche On this beautiful Sunday day
À travers les sapins verts Across the green pines
C’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver! It’s winter, it’s winter, it’s winter!
C’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver! It’s winter, it’s winter, it’s winter!
C’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver, c’est l’hiver! It’s winter, it’s winter, it’s winter!

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C'est l'hiver-Pierre Lalonde

Pierre Lalonde – French Cirlces